Friday 24 July 2009

..................Fitness Profile .................... Aussielicious' Brenton ......................

So todays profile will be a little different.

With obesity and related health issues in the news a lot lately, I thought I would do a Fitness Profile, and today we have Brenton from Aussielicious.

Those of you who read his blog know that B is a little energiser bunny when it comes to being active.

(2CW) Hey Brenton, welcome back. Judging by the photos on your site, you’re a pretty fit guy, is your fitness an important part of your life?

Yeah it is, without being an obsession. Vanity is a factor as is trying not to feel sluggish, but for me exercise is also a way of occupying my time. I have always been active. My parents had us learn to swim at 3 and from about 7 we swum every day of summer. I also did recreational level gymnastics for years, played tennis, different sports at school then took up rowing towards the end of school.

I played sports like soccer, cricket and hockey at school but wasn't good at them and didn't enjoy them. My 6 year old nephew thinks it's hilarious that Uncle B is scared of Cricket. But I think it's healthy to be scared when you try and hit a very hard ball with a stupid stick when it's thrown at you really fast.

(2CW) When you are in the gym, is it a structured workout or is it more of an ad-hoc what ever feels good kinda of regime?

It's a structured workout. Tuesdays is Chest and calves, Wed is back and lats, Thursday is legs and shoulders and Friday is biceps and triceps. We do abs every day with that. At the moment we are alternating a week of that, with heavy weights, then the other weeks we do one or two exercises for upper body areas every day along with abs and sitting on the bike for a while.

(2CW) Is your body one that responds readily to exercise or is it something that requires a great deal of effort on your part?

I'm lucky in that my body does respond quickly, but I've always struggled to put on muscle. It's a double edged sword. I don't put on weight (fat or muscle) easily, but if I stop doing weights and exercise I also lose the muscle quite quickly. I came back from London 6.5 years ago at 67kg, and I'd left Sydney just under two years earlier at 75kg. I'm now at 80kg.

(2CW) What do you think of the adage that genetics play a part? Do you think it has some truth to it?

Definitely true. I have some similar traits of my father, but thankfully because I haven't played rugby and contact sports like he has, I've avoided some of the injury related issues that he has. Being single and gay, and not settling down with children has also helped. Dad had two kids by the time he was 27 and had let himself go. I don't know if it's genetics of environment but I have gone through spurts of activity and periods of laziness just like dad.

(2CW) What sort of activities do you do outside of the gym? How important is cross training to you?

I get bored easily so over the years I find a new challenge and others fall by the wayside. A good example is pole dancing. I haven't been for months because I hadn't learnt anything new in months and months. Whereas aerial silks I've been constantly pushed and challenged either with new tricks or performance skills. It's not a deliberate form of cross training but it is a massive workout and a lot of fun, despite the constant bruises and burns.

(2CW) Can you tell us about your nutrition / diet? Do you have one? What would be a generic day of eating for you?

I'm working on this one. My new housemate is very health conscious and I'm trying to be inspired. I think because of my history of struggling to put any kind of weight on and my parents lack of dietary discipline I've never learnt to be as disciplined as I should be. I know the basics of eating well but regularly slip up. When I'm tired and stressed and emotional I go for burgers and chips. I'm like Oprah, just not nearly as rich and successful.

(2CW) How do you stay motivated?

Vanity is a massive motivator. I'd like to say it's all for myself but I'm realistic and I'll admit I'm as susceptible to the pressure to look good placed on us by the gay scene and advertising. But there is also that feeling of adrenaline and energy you get from exercising and being healthy.

(2CW) Have you always been this active? How did you get started?

As I said earlier we were active kids and I'm glad I've never lost that entirely.

(2CW) Does living in such a looks oriented city like Sydney – and in such a body centric gay community – influence your desire to stay fit?

Absolutely. A HOT friend of mine who has a small, lean and wirey frame has moved to London and said he is much more accepted there. I think the gay scene in Sydney especially is quite body fascist and no one looks at you until you have muscle which is very sad. I've noticed that over the last couple of years as I've gotten a little bit bigger I've got more attention here than before. While I like the attention, I also get upset that the same people were ignoring me a few years ago. It's a sad statement about us as a "community".

(2CW) What sort of body types do you go for?

Increasingly it's variety of body types but there are trends I've noticed that I think stem from my childhood/adolescence. I grew up around swimmers and rowers and I've noticed that I'm drawn to tall guys with broad shoulders. Having said that I've also been attracted to shorter guys but then tend to be more muscled.

(2CW) What’s your favourite body part to work on ?

I find if I'm working out alone, I'm more motivated to do biceps and triceps and they respond well. Recently though I've started really enjoying doing chest which is something I was less confident about because you always see big guys lifting big weights and it's intimidating. Until I found a training partner that was probably my worst area. It's dangerous to try and go too heavy without someone spotting you. Since I've been working out with Craig (cute straight guy, another motivation to turn up) I've gotten a lot stronger in that area.

(2CW) Whats your least favourite?

Like a lot of men I don't enjoy doing legs much, but I still do them because that top heavy, out of proportion thing just isn't very cool, and if you do squats it's also good for your bum. ;)

Shoulders is a bit of a weak spot too and I don't enjoy that much.

(2CW) Does your lifestyle allow for a good fitness regime? Do you struggle finding the time at all?

For years I've either swum or rowed early in the morning. At one point we were rowing on the harbour two or three mornings a week, actually hitting the water at 5.15 so as hard as it is sometimes to get out of bed, I still do it. If I go to the gym in the evening it's too crowded and I hate waiting for machines so mornings suit me. Every now and then I'll have to miss an aerials class because of work but I try not to let that happen much.

(2CW) Do you think we are TOO body concious in the gay community?

DEFINITELY!!! I'm far from innocent of the crime but we all write guys off far too quickly purely because of their physique. Some of the best guys around, with the best personalities and goals and hearts aren't very fit. Why do we torture ourselves with hot, fit guys who are complete assholes? That's not to say all beautiful guys are assholes, but they do get away with more.

(2CW) What are your vices?

Burgers and chips/fries. Carbs are my friend. I know I'm doomed to hell by saying that, but I love them.

(2CW) Last one – Does a healthy body equal a healthy mind?

I think so, up to a point. If you obsess about eating right and making sure you are healthy in all ways, you miss out the fun stuff in life. Everything needs balance. I read a quote somewhere from someone who said "everything in moderation, including moderation." If you can't kick back and enjoy a beer or a lazy day on the couch and some naughty treats then how good is your life really?

Thanks for joining us here at 2 Cents Worth Brenton – I am always looking for a reason to have my number one referral on the blog.


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