Sunday, 13 September 2009

.........Welcome to CrazyLand ........... Population - All US Conservative Wingnuts! ..........

.................are they fucking kidding?????? I think these people all have acquired brain injury and NEED some good health care.

That. ...................... or some good therapy. Clearly they stopped their meds without telling their doctors.

Jesus H ...............

"Impeach the Muslim Marxist" - at least his sign is spelled correctly. But (A) President Obama isn't Muslim and (B) he isn't a Marxist and (C) .............. here's the important one ....... you can't impeach a fucking President that's done nothing wrong you chromosome deficient wanker!!

Can we spell D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T-F-U-L ? - I am certain that Senator Kennedy's family is SO happy to see a sign like this so soon after the poor mans' passing.

"Obama Lies - Grandma Dies" - It should be "President Obama Lies" you disrespectful piece of crap. AND how happy the families of those victims of 9/11 must be to have these wankers putting their 'cup full of stoopid' posters next to images of 9/11.

Seriously - these people actually make a case FOR death panels.

I am literally stunned shitless by the level of sheer ignorance of the right in America nowadays.

I've said it already but I will say it again - these people REALLY don't like being told what to do by a Black Man.

Sad................... sad............................ sad.


Wonder Man said...

it is a shame

DC said...

Disrespectful? Uh, just where the hell where you when the Left was calling the last president Hitler?

Damien said...

Given my background Im not happy with anyone calling anyone Hitler and told those who I knew who called him that just that.

And yes - that was in spite of President Bush bringing the Presidency to the lowest point since President Nixon.

Anonymous said...

The thing in the U.S. is that the number of crazy people appears larger than it actually is.

It's just that crazy plays very well on U.S. Television news so of course they get all the press.

And as for the religious wing nuts, they're disappearing quickly. Catholic church is losing membership, so too Southern Baptists. People have had about enough of religious crazy.

And we atheists are on the rise. In New England it runs around twenty to twenty five percent of the population.

But then New England contains a fairly large proportion of educational institutions which I suspect has something to do with it.