Thursday, 10 September 2009

.............. Why Are Some Queens So Caustic? ...............

.......are they just so miserable in their own life that they have to try to bring misery to others?

Are they jealous that other people have full lives with integrity and character?

Are they just bitches who couldn't be human if their tiny little dicks counted on it?

I have never understood that type of gay man that has to make nasty of everyone and everything.

The one that never has a nice word - never has any class - and is just an all round bitch.

The sad thing is - these bitches are actually proud of being classless pieces of maggot filth.

If we're lucky - karma will kick them in their low-hanging flabby arses with enough force that they actually reconsider their outlook ......................... but we probably won't be that lucky.

Doesn't get me angry - makes me pity them.

And I am one of those people who try to get along with everyone.



Damien said...

No one necessarily got my goat, but we all know of people like this and I just don't get it.

I'm a bitch and I get that - but I draw a line.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

You seem quite pleasant though, I might add.

Apart from being an antipodean, that is. Which I suppose isn't really your fault, so we'll overlook that bit.

The Mutant said...

That's why I turned my back on the gay experience for a couple of years. I've now learnt how to balance it and who to avoid.

I've never managed to work out their perverse motivations though.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Oh dear, I kind of suspect we may have been the reasoning behind this post. Suppose I should read and respond to my email before I go blog-hopping in future.


Ho hum.

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

I would not say I am caustic, exactly. I would like to think I am capable, if the need arises. I do pass on the occasional compliment, when it is due. And I would like to think I have SOME class.

I'm a firm believer in Karma. Those that have it coming, WILL get it. I'm just not the most patient with Karma. There are those that are way beyond their Karma-due date.