Monday, 17 May 2010

.................In Honour Of The Milestone of 200,000 Hits..........

................................a 200K (fave) pic of my boyf Zach Quinto ......... HE IS TOO !!! SHUDDUP !!

........and yes........... it is my desktop :)


Pick said...

Hey Damien,

Congrats on the 200,000 buddy. That's great!

I screwed up my site monitor last week at somewhere around 122,000 and had to reload it at 000,000 Damn! Oh well, life goes on. lol

You'll be at the 1/4 million mark in no time!

Bob said...

He's what I call a Hot Nerd.
Love him.
And congrats on the 200,000!!

eroswings said...

Cheers on your achievement!

Mazel Tov!


Here's to wishing you good luck when you meld with Spock, as you boldly go where no man has gone before!

Wonder Man said...

he is a hot nerd

Damien said...

Thanks Pick :)

Bob - SO hot and SO nerd - what a combo......

Cheers Eros - we'll meld......... trust me ....... we'll meld :)

WM - ya huh *drools*

corve said...


Stan said...

Congratulations on the hits! Hot guy, scruffy face, woof!

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Ohhhh, yesssss!