Sunday, 18 July 2010

.......New Sponsor.......................... Fleshjack.................. may have noticed the Visconti Triplets - yum yum yum - in the ad for our new sponsor here at 2 Cents Worth Down Under.

The experience is like nothing you thought masturbation could be. Especially if you get the one that lets you put the little vibrating bullet in it *sigh*.....

Now for you lads who haven't experienced one of these little wonders yet - do yourself a favour.

I love mine - and you can use it on your own - with someone - or they can use it on you whilst they ............ um............ are occupied with other parts of your bodies.

They also have a HUGE range of butt toys, enhancers, and they are always having special offers - like combo offers.

AND you send a little bit of love our way which we always appreciate.

So click on the triplets - and go have a look and maybe do some shopping.

Also - check out the fleshjack blog - The Daily Jack - they are always having some sort of promotion there which will give you coupons for free extras or discounts :) - We love not paying retail :)

It's wicked hot fun and I farkin' love mine - and so does hubby :)




Wonder Man said...

sounds hot... glad you like it

unique_stephen said...

so - they are good then? was thinking about getting one.
I like that butt toy too.
For a straight guy it's always hard to get on the receiving end of proper arse play

Damien said...

WM - totally do mate :)

Stephen - They are good - very good. And I have it on very good authority from a str8 friend that the butt toy - when inserted into the proper position - feels fantastic when pounding pussy. He says "3 times the hotness".

So there you go :)