Saturday, 14 August 2010

.........Time To Move On..........

.......the funeral was sad. The wake was social and lovely. Staying overnight at my mums and going shopping with her, husband and my niece today was fun. It was good to get her out of the house and back into the sunlight.

Blogging will now resume.

And I feel really weird. Which is all normal.

The following pieces of music are all important to me for different reasons, and they reflect the different things going through my mind right now.

They're pretty kitschy and obvious - but I get like that during the hard times. Kitschy and obvious is what I know.

The best way to describe my emotions over the last 24 hours to that I felt like I was Oprah dressed in a clown costume channelling Joan Rivers..........



.........and this version because Lady Sue requested it :) I like both versions being a HUGE Dame Bassey fan - but there is nothing like the original.............


The Mistress said...

Welcome back.

Yes, feeling weird is normal but wearing those clown shoes isn't.

Take them off immediately.

Sue said...

But you were there for your mom, and that's what is important!

I adore "Who wants to live forever?" but sung by Queen with Eddie Mercury. This rendition is a tad pompous for me. Sorry.

Damien said...

MJ - Thank you Mistress :) - yes the shoes are now off and burned :).

Lady Sue - Indeed it is the most important thing and she was very grateful. As was I to be there for her.

PS Popped your version on the post :) Enjoy dear.

Wonder Man said...

great choices, welcome back

Sue said...

Freddie Mecury!!! where was my brain yesterday??? Thank you so much for posting it - I did indeed listen to it today, Lord Damien! One of the best vocal ranges of all time; he died way too early! Thank you again!

Unknown said...

I suppose trying to get to normal is best...