Oy vey bubbelahs...... what the fuck is going ON in my second homeland??..........
...A number of American run surveys ranks America as one of the LEAST politically informed nations in the OECD............... R U KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT ??????
Say it isnt so Joe! ....... and Samantha....... and Darren............. and Abby........ and Mike...... and Carrol......... and Alice........... and Fatima.......... and Moshe........ and Su Ling..... and Prajad.......
When we were kids - for 30mins a day we had to sit at the table - eat our dinner - and watch the news. My mother was adamant that we all watched the news because "You cant be blind to the world you live in. Ignorant people are just so silly." - Plain old mummy wisdom there.
And now - apparently - kids *may* watch 30mins of news A MONTH !!!!
Hang on............... we have the internet - cable news networks - 16 bajillion blogs - 9 bajillion newspaper columns - all dealing with current affairs - ALL from the USA - and the American people are the LEAST POLITICALLY INFORMED!?!?!?!?!
One question........................... are ANY of you surprised that America is in the state it is in right now?
We stop watching the news........................ we become idiots........ it's as simple as that.
Now I am ready for the haters and the protesters on this one.......... but remember - I am part American - I did live there for a time - I have close American friends - and I have a whole branch of my family in Oregon............... I guarantee none of them would disagree with my point.
We are becoming a nation(s) of idiots ........ and we only have ourselves to blame.
Maybe DUMB DUMB DUMB.............should be replaced with Sad Sad Sad.......
Oy vey indeed.
I'm not surprised
I really wouldn't blame the kids on this one... Our media has distorted the "news" so much it's a wonder anyone even watches anymore.
People on both sides of the political spectrum start out with a conclusion, and then manipulate the facts to support what they want everyone to believe instead of just reporting the facts and letting the American people judge for themselves.
I believe it has a lot to do with lead-based paints used when the media personalities' generation were babies themselves. Nancy Grace is a perfect example of this.
Human beings with any degree of intelligence will always be bothered, even if it's just subconsciously, when being told what to believe. This is why FOX News will always get better ratings than MSNBC, because FOX viewers are stupid as shit and love it when things are spelled out for them, however, MSNBC viewers cringe when being told what to think so they don't think it's such a horrible thing to miss an episode of Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow, both of whom toe the line at truth manipulation.
There literally isn't any place to get unfiltered, unopinionated news these days.
I don't think it has as much to do with the US being dumb dumb dumb, but more to do with the news being for dumb people.
Full disclosure: I'm a Canadian.
Our southern neighbours aren't dumb per se, but sorely lack the skill of critical-thinking. They want to listen to TV personnel (or talk show hosts) saying things they want to hear and agreeing to their own point of view.
There are little unbiased facts out there, but lots and lots of partisan spin on every issue imaginable. Worse, some are just downright lies. (See WMD, Birthers)
I stop watching news on TV for a long time. I go to sites like Google News, where I can read about a news event from as many sources/points of view as possible.
Instead of sitting inside an echo chamber and get spoon-fed with partisan nonsense, everyone should stop and think. Yes, this applies to both ends of the political spectrum, and both sides of the US-CAN Border.
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