Saturday, 18 September 2010

..........Yom Kippur...........Tishrei 10, 5771........

......... g'mar chatimah tovah, “May you be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life.”..................

.........Blessings and peace to you all........



queer heaven said...

Here is wishing you and yours an easy fast.

Damien said...

Thanks QH - not fasting this year tho as I am getting over the flu - but appreciate the traditional fasting greeting :)

Peace to you my friend.

cb said...

Hineh ma tov
umat nayim
shevet ahim
gam yahad... amen.

I know my spelling is atrocious, but I'm doing it from memory from Bernstein's Chichester Psalms.

Damien said...

CB - my Hebrew spelling is often atrocious too :)))

Toda & Shalom mate
