Thursday, 24 February 2011

.....2 Request .. Help Me Obi-Wan 2 Centers!!! .....

OK - to my LA / NY based readers, I am looking for both a porn star and a mainstream model to interview.

I've sent out the requests but nothing so far.

I know some of you are connected so help a mate out

Cheers and shalom


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


BosGuy said...

How about a slightly slutty guy from Boston? Just teasing. I'm sure you'll get plenty of guys. You may also want to look to SF another big gay porn hub.

Damien said...

BG - maybe I should be interviewing you :)

The Mistress said...

You've cast your I'll be interested to see what you catch.

Damien said...

Indeed Mistress.

Let's see who comes thru for me :)