Sunday, 24 April 2011

.....2 Hot......... The Tudors.........

....I have totally gotten into The Tudors........ the period drama - the costumes - and the men - Johnathan Rhys "Crazy Eyes" Myers and Henry "So Hot I Burn Your Eyes" Cavill.........

....And I have totally fallen in love with the music by Trevor Morris.......



Prince Todd said...

I love them both!
I even wrote a slash fan fiction about Sir Brandon and King Henry having sex!
I love The Tudors!!!

queer heaven said...

Ah Tudors! what a great, great TV Series. So totally well done! It is a shame that they did not continue the story with Anne & Elizabeth.

Sue said...

Henry Cavill is my current fantasy man! Slurp!

Adam said...

yeah both are hot, but you are too D ;)

Damien said...

Sue - slurp indeed - that FACE !>!>!>

Adam - you silver tongued little devil :)

Anonymous said...

I love them both!! And would be up to the challenge of taking them on at the same time.