Monday, 9 May 2011

........2 Hot.....Zachary Quinto 2011..........

..............I love this guy.............


Adam said...

I love men with glasses. Hope u had a great weekend Damien

Bob said...

He is the definitive Hot [not so openly] Gay Nerd, isn't he?

Damien said...

Hey Adam - I love men with glasses too - weekend was good mate - yours?

Bob - he is indeed - meanwhile I give him 12 months before he comes out.

JiEL said...
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JiEL said...

Dear Damien and Bob,

I think I saw on other blogs that HE IS GAY...
He made his coming out I think..

I have to make sure... but I'm definitivly sure at 99,999%...

By the way, I've just discover your site and I love it...

CHEERS from Montréal.

Prince Todd said...

I'd date him!
Coincidentally, my mother says she would like me to date somebody like