Friday, 30 December 2011

.....2 Look Back..... My Faves Of 2011...........

Fave song - Magic.....great vid - great mix - great cause....

Fave blog - West of Mayberry....beautiful writing......

Fave Porn Site - Gay Daily Hot....I'm just a Jasun Mark groupie - what can I say...

Fave Coming Out Story - Zac Quinto - Classy and non-sensational....

Fave Movie - The Iron Lady......

Fave TV Show - everything Attenborough again - although The Borgia's came a close second....

Fave ME moment - getting a great counsellor....also having a friend in Brenton....

Fave profile - The Naked Barber (will be up in a couple of days - sorry Richard )

...............roll on 2012 - PS The Mayans were STONED people!!....




BosGuy said...

Don't necessarily know about the others, but I'm a HUGE fan of Large Tony's blog, West of Mayberry and think very highly of Brenton from Aussielicious.

Cheers D-man.


Wonder Man said...

I love Jasun (he's my secret crush)

Dwight Supremacy said...

I am addicted to Jasun! SWOON!