Sunday, 15 January 2012

......2 Gay ....... The Gay Dating Culture of MORE........ since Bubb and I officially separated, we have both been looking at how we could meet new people socially. So being two i-Gays we loaded up our portable mobile devices with Grindr, Scruff, and I even popped on Growlr and Mister......

..........Now (purely speaking for myself) I have had some very interesting and downright laugh out loud conversations with some really lovely people - ELEVEN THOUSAND KILOMETRES AWAY !!!!!!.......Yes - the most stimulating and interesting chats have been with men in the USA ..........Most notably Seattle, San Diego and Tuscon..... I seem to be very popular on the West Coast.......

.........Interestingly enough - the chats on the ground in my local area has been been rewarding but somewhat LIGHT in terms of frequency......... Through my wanderings in the dating / social meeting desert that is gayberspace - I have learnt a few things about my fellow wanderers and it eerily seems to mirror a simliar post by my good friend Brenton over at Aussielicious HERE..... I've even completely stolen his pic on the topic as it is a clear, diagrammatic representation of an intriguing axiom.........

.......Now it seems that if one is seeking social / sexual meetings one MUST by very definition classify their own looks and then aim at least one - or preferably MORE - levels above......

.....If you are naturally fit - you must ONLY ever aim for and accept invitations from someone who has a gym built athletic - but not huge - build.....

....If you are gym built athletic with pecs and respectable guns - you must ONLY ever aim for someone who requires a diet of three skinless grilled whole chickens and several protein supplements per day whilst fitting in at least two weights workouts (free-weights only of course - never machines ).....

.....If you are someone who has done porn (even if you were just the dude who got the sandwiches) you must ONLY ever date / fuck porn stars and ONLY if they are actually currently employed as such. Retired porn stars are not viable.....

....If you are a twink who models on the side whilst going to uni (or not) you can only accept invitations or solicitations from someone who looks EXACTLY like you - their hair may differ - but their overall look may not.....

....If you are someone who is professionally employed - you must ONLY ever aim for those who earn at LEAST 25k a year more than you - however, that rule MAY be bent if the invitation comes from a hot bartender or smoking hot model whose day job is as a barista.....

.....Interestingly - in MY world - that of the chub / bear / cub culture - the only requirement seems to be a pulse and a propensity for beer and greasy food - WOO HOO !!! - except I'm allergic to beer.....

....OH !! and one more thing - if you ARE a chub / bear - you will no doubt receive several hundred invitations from hot chasers - some military - who are in absolutely no situation or location that may make meeting viable.....

...... On a personal note - to the Army Lad in California - I am particular touched by the breadth and depth of what you would like to do to me - and I am particularly impressed that you seem to have my good health in mind, hence all the conversations about tossing my salad - and indeed you are the finest thing I've personally seen in a long time - so thank you for buoying my self esteem to the level you did. It resulted in some emergency laundry - but it was well worth the detergent and fabric softener used...........

.....Now............. you'll excuse me but Scruff is calling......



1 comment:

Wonder Man said...

I have no idea about all this. Tho online game has changed