Saturday, 11 February 2012

.......2 Test.......... Knowledge Is Power.............

..............When was the last time you were tested?........

.........Did you just get an HIV test?..........Yes? - Why didn't you get a full sexual health screening done?..........

..........Did you know Chlamydia, Gonorrhea & Herpes are on the rise amongst Homosexually Active Men? ...... Particularly in the 20-30 and 40+ age groups.......

....Do you know that having a pre-existing STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) can increase your suceptebility of acquiring HIV by up to 10 times due to the fact that it depresses your immune response??.......
  • Does it burn when you pee?
  • Is there blood in your poop?
  • Do you have a rash?
  • Do you have a sore in your mouth that won't heal?
  • Do you have a weird taste in your mouth?
  • Do you have ulcers in your mouth that won't heal?
  • Have you had your HEP A&B vaccinations?
  • Do you have a white lump on your cock, butthole or inside your mouth?
  • Do you have a discharge from your cock? Is it yellow? Green? Clear?
  • Do you have an unusual odour from your pee?
  • Do you have an unusual smell coming from your cock?
  • Has your cum changed colour and/or consistency?
  • Do you have flu like symptoms?
......... Did you know you can have an STI and even HIV without showing ANY symptoms?....

...Get tested...


Shabbat Shalom



Queer Heaven said...

Excellent post! Very important message... too many guys just ignore these things!

Damien said...

Think of 2CWDU as your local PSA :)

Damien said...

Thanks for the feedback Mikey.

PS Your tummy post is lovely.