Saturday 9 February 2013

Zac Quinto - Glasses Edition.....

No secret at 2CWDU that Mr Quinto is my next future husband (can someone PLEASE hurry up and tell him - so over waiting for his call/email)...

I mean - COME ON LA READERS - ONE of you must know someone in the industry who knows someone who knows someone et al.....

So today - in line with me getting new glasses - it's Zachary "Sylar/Spok" Quinto - the Spectacled One......

OH - and a couple of TOTES cute videos supplied by my Lady Sue.....

Enjoy !!

Shabbat Shalom all.....


OH - and one "blue steel" pic for good measure - and boy does he bring it.....

 And you just know he likes to cuddle after with soft smooches and quite talking.... oy vey....

'Tis love....


1 comment:

Mark in DE said...

He is extremely handsome/sexy, with or without glasses. Enjoyed the pics.