Thursday, 28 May 2009

....................Some Good News........................

Well, after several weeks of very depressing circumstances here and with my family back in Australia, there has been some positive developments.

My Nan is back on solid food with no nausea. This is good. If she can fortify herself with solid food, she can hang on a bit longer. So there is no sense of urgency. She is still dying and she will die - but our prayers for some more time appear to have been answered.

Also, I have received a job offer and have said yes.

I start on Tuesday at the local Energy Utility.

So there is some relief on both fronts.

I just want to say a huge thank you to all of those 2 Cents readers who sent positive thoughts and encouraging emails during the last few weeks.

Your support is appreciated and I thank you so very much.

To life.




The Mutant said...

That really is good news. I'm so glad to hear it too Damien. Of course I'll still be thinking of you, wondering how that first day in the new job goes for you!

Damien said...

That's very kind Mute - thanks mate.

jlydia said...

Fantastic news :)

Damien said...

j - thanks darling.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for employment! Godd for you Damien - hopefully my luck is nexT!

Damien said...

I keep my fingers crossed for you too mate :)

Your turn now :)

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

That is good news!

The Mistress said...

It was the "Mr. Nude Infomaniac 2009" title that won you the job, wasn't it?

Ben said...

Yay... employment is good. Hope you still get over here sometime soon, but glad you don't have to pack up and shift country.

Damien said...

Hey Ben - Brizvegas job just knocked me back - but will continue to look as that is where the hubby and I wants to be.

Ah well............... cest la!

Wonder Man said...

glad things are getting better

Damien said...

Thanks WM - appreciate it.