Sunday, 31 May 2009

...........WTF?...........Please go away - again!...........................

Okay - one person had a hissy fit last time I did this - but remember - it's my show - if you don't like it - surf away. You won't be missed. :)

I don't wish any of these people ill - but seriously ....... has popular culture really come to this?

Am I the only one who finds this so sad it just must be someone's idea of a joke?

Do you agree? Disagree? Don't care?

Anyway - here is my take on a few people in popular culture that I just find astonishing ...

Speidi - Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag
WTF? Who are these people and why are they still being photographed?

He was a reality loser and she is .......... well............ his bitch.
Is that it? Is that enough to get you in the spotlight?
We really are going downhill at a bullet.

Parasite Hilton
Okay - again............ she needs to take her nip slipping, crotch revealing, bunioned self out of here.
C'mon - let's at least find someone our young people can enjoy who actually has something to offer.

Nicole Ritchie
Adopted daughter of someone famous.
Parasites' ex-BFF.
Woman with a functional womb.
Again - there has to be better options out there.

Bear Grylls
In the words of Elaine on Seinfeld ... "Fake, fake, fake-fake".
Plus he must be the only man on the planet that thinks picking up small animals and eating them alive on television is macho - yecch.

Mischa Barton
Here's a quote from Ms Barton
"It kind of irritates me that I'm seen as this pretty face. People also say I'm too thin. The truth is pretty people aren't as accepted as other people. It comes with all these stigmas."
Yup - it's official - being pretty hurts.

Lindsay Lohan
Where to start.
Too much to choose from - poor thing.
Although - I am reliably informed that she is of the "Don't you know who I am?" set.
Yup - we know.... we know.

Jennifer Lopez
She can't act or sing.
I know - many of you love her. But why?
Really.... she can not act. She can not sing.
I don't get it.

Austin Stevens

Didn't he learn from the Croc Hunters death?
If you fuck around with the animals and molest them just for a good photo - they will fuck you up.
He will be the next one who dies.
Attenborough never molested the animals - and his stuff is still interesting.
Austin = Wanker.

Russell Brand
Is it a man? Is it a drag queen?
He is aggressively heterosexual apparently but - bloody hell!
Again - no talent - but he gets a movie and a show?

Oy vey.


Bob said...

I think you and I might be the same person, because I feel the same way about nearly everyone you mentioned, with the exception of Austin Stevens.
Him, I don't know.

Damien said...

I know Im being a snob but i refuse to believe that THIS is the best we can do in popular culture.

jlydia said...

Agree with all except . . . . Lindsay. Sorry but she's the train-wreck I love to keep my eye on. Pure entertainment value of the 'what the f will she come up with next' factor.

Damien said...

jlyida - whilst i can appreciate the train wreck quality - i get annoyed that they keep putting her back on the tracks........

kevin - bear was hot until i saw him pick up an endangered tree frog and eat him alive. Imagine the breath AND the poo.

Stan said...

I'm so out of it. Apart from Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan and Jennifer Lopez, I've never heard of these people.

The Mutant said...

I'm with Stan, I have no idea who the fuck most of the people on that list are. Did they come along after I turned my back on pop-culture and mainstream media?

Damien said...

Mut and Stan - exactly my point.

These are the people and types that are apparently POPULAR now.

Oy vey - we need a lifeguard at the gene pool.

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

I agree, for the ones I know anything about, that is. JLo - ewwww. I agree - she CANNOT act! I don't know about her music, since I can't recall any of it. I can't stand her speaking voice, which is part of why I think she is a horrible 'actress.'