You know when you see someone and you just immediately think "Gay..... Big Ol' Bottom"
That is the vibe I get whenever I see Ne-Yo. And you just know he would whimper like a little girl!

The hand ... the glasses ....... the outfit.......... that drag queen grin........

............... The total blow job lips that would never dry out ..........

........The "You are not bringing THOSE things near me!" choreography.............

....Not to mention the endless collection of hats only a queen would keep....................

So does anyone have any goss re this one?
U off the red perish the thought!!
He could suck a lemon from here to next week.
I KNEW it wasnt just me.
My friends say he came out to a magazine, but later sued the magazine for printing the story at the advice of his management.
I have no respect for cowards. I can't even listen to his music, which is not so great anyway. Same goes for Luther Vandross, who died of AIDS.
LMAO at this entire post!
Oh my god Neyo totally SCREAMS Queen...
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