Saturday, 13 June 2009

.........................The Jewish Conspiracy............................

You know what really makes my asshole itch - in a bad way - is when white people from the back ass country of no hope come out and say "The reason for my problems is the Jews. They rule the world and keep me from getting what's mine!"

First of all you butt-wipe excuse for a skid mark - the reason you can't get what you want is because you're lazy - live in the middle of "the land that G-d forgot" - and have no intention of actually expending any effort to get ahead because it is SO much easier to blame others than make a life for yourself.

Second Mr I Fuck My Sister But That Don't Hurt Our Kids None - If the Jews ran the world do you think it would be SO fucked up as it is? Let me tell you a little something about us - we are commanded by G-d to make the world better and every single fucking Jew *I* know tries to do that in some way shape or form - Why? BECAUSE BEING A GOOD PERSON ACTUALLY ISN'T HARD MORON!! - Although you probably prefer it spelt MORAN like your friends in the anti-gay rallies. Hatred takes energy - just taking care of your own shit and doing the right thing doesn't take a lot of effort dumb-ass!

Third you pathetic excuse for a pile of cow turd - An 88 year old man shooting a black man in a Jewish museum is no cause for celebration. What WOULD be cause for celebration is you and me in a room for 5 minutes whilst I take to you with a baseball bat - and I'd do it with a smile. Why? Because it's fuck-knuckles like you who give Religion - and those who follow it - a bad name and make it almost embarassing for us to admit that we are religious and live a life according to a set of beliefs. Take your corrupted version of your own little rewrite of the bible with all it's spelling errors and food smudges and go bury it along with you and your chromosone lacking family!

Fourth - Last - and by no means least - Mr I'm Guaranteed My Rights Under Free Speech Even Though I Can't Even Spell Free Speech! - You run around saying how much you hate the Jews and the Gays and the Blacks and the Women and America. Okay - you hate America - that's fine - but you better be prepared to give up your American rights as well. Which suits me just fine because I can not wait until you are done for a Hate Crime and then put in a cell with Bubba. Coz Bubba has a 10 inch cock that is going to split your little hate wielding white boy ass open and he aint even gonna use lube or spit. He is gonna take you dry so that you can feel EVEN A HUNDREDTH of the pain that you and your kind cause his and mine. And I'll be there in spirit - smiling - and you know why - because Karma is a bitch and Jews believe in it. Hate me all you want little man - G-d and the universe will reward you with a black man with a big cock raping your little ass in the not too distant future.

How sad is it that your hatred against non-whites comes from the fact that you feel abandoned by the white people running your government.

So - you take your hatred and turn it into evil action against those who never did anything against you.

There's a word for that - coward.



The Pansy Bastard™ said...

Let them have it!

Damien said...

Always do mate :)

Bob said...


Now THAT'S what I call a rant!!