Thursday, 25 June 2009

....................ME 7 years ago.................. to the week........

...........I'm getting back near it - slowly but surely......

Look at that Mary Tyler Moore *I could turn the world on with that* smile LOL :)


The Mistress said...

Well it's you girl, and you should know it.

Prince Todd said...

handsome! =0)

Wonder Man said...

very handsome

Anonymous said...

so a happy birthday is in order, no?

mazel tov and l'chaim!

Damien said...

MJ - not sure what you mean dear mistress........

Toddy - Thank you mate....:)

WM - Cheers mate :)

Kevin - no actually my birthday is in March - the significance of the pic is that it is 7 years to the week I met my partner - but i dont show his pics :)

The Mutant said...

Wow, but just so you know I reckon you look every bit as handsome today as you did seven years ago.

Actually, scrap that - you look downright fucking edible!

Now, I could make myself sound like the trashy whore I really am but I have more respect than that, so congratulations on seven years, I hope the next seven and beyond bring you the happiness you deserve. Your partner is one hell of a lucky guy to have found you!

Damien said...

Mutt - And I have a lot of respect for you too mate.

Thanks for the very nice words - does a fat old man proud :)))