Saturday, 27 June 2009

.......................Perez Hilton ......... your 15 is finally up.................

...all pics drawn from the public domain....
...all comments protected by the same shit that protects little miss diva below..... know I actually enjoyed this guys site for a few years!

Seriously - Yeah he was obnoxious and as absolutely fame hungry as everyone he pointed out were - but he was relatively harmless................. until now.

Here's my thing with the whole BEP punch up - YOU INSTIGATED IT YOU FAT BULL FROG!

...OMG - I actually threw up in my mouth a little...

And as a fat loud mouth - I will use the term HOWEVER I like thank you very much for coming.

Now - if he was as traumatised as he had twittered - PS who fucking twitters for the police? lift the handset and dial the damn 3 digit number porky! - he would not be back to work as normal.

No - he would be resting - probably getting some counselling - maybe even working on getting together with Will.I.Am about the "word".

But no - he is off on his merry way as per usual.

Yes - there have been huge things happening in pop culture - but Perez Hilton's behaviour completely screams he was asking for it.

I don't have a problem with the word faggot - there are worse words out there - but I actually wouldn't use it with ANY man - gay or straight - because I don't know what THEY think of the word.

Now in America I learned you DON'T use this word ever - and the fact that this fat, bloated, loud, obnoxious piece of cum ridden maggot filth decided that it was okay to use it coz HE is gay...... oh please.............. can we spell D-I-V-A.

(without anything to back it up of course - cellulite and hot air don't count)

...when even your man-boobs have man-boobs....... it's time to put the cheetohs down...

Meanwhile - I hope he totally gets ass-raped by the judge in this civil suit he is bringing. I wanna see Judge Judy telling him "YOU'RE AN IDIOT!! IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT MORON!!!"

As for The Shephard Foundation saying a big "No thank you!" to his offer of donating whatever he gets from the suit - GOLD !

Even those who need it - don't want it from him.

...dear G-d... it's like a condom full of walnuts...

Oh yeah - and I'm the first to admit - I was bitter about Perez before this. I wrote to that fat fuck three times asking to do a profile - he and his "People" - probably two young queens with self esteem issues - didn't even have the courtesy to reply in any way, shape or form - not even a polite "No thank you."

How is THAT for supporting the gay community.

BTW Perez - yes I'm fat - but you're ugly inside and out - and the world knows now bitch.

...hmmmmmm don't people who do meth usually have a lot of pimples? - could just be chronic overuse of heavy foundation too...

Now many will cry "But this was a gay man who was gay bashed?!?!?!"

No - this was a man who stepped over the line and prompted the situation himself. And remember - Perez is usually the one playing holier than thou and telling others never to use the word.

Just goes to show - you should ALWAYS practice what you preach.

Obnoxious bull frog.



Ben said...

Hate his flabby guts.

Damien said...

You know - the reason he gained weight was so that there would be enough room for his ego.....

Wonder Man said...

he's no longer powerful

Damien said...

He is little more than annoying now.

Prince Todd said...

He sickens me. Not because he gossips about celebrities (everyone does it). It is because he is so damn mean spirited.
I don't advocate violence but Hilton should have been punched in the face ages ago.

Damien said...

I am with you Todd - and if the rumours about Will.I.Am are true - then it wasnt a bay bashing - it was just a one sided catfight.