Sunday, 21 June 2009

..................Profile........................Stealth Sailor................

Hi All.

Today we continue our look at the bloggers behind the blogs.

Today we are very fortunate to have a serving member of the US Navy who is also the blogger behind the new blog on the block - Stealth Sailor.

Obviously, due to our utmost respect for those in the armed forces, we will not be publishing any pics of Stealth, but we thank him for his time.
So please - make him feel welcome to the blog and enjoy yet another insight to our favourite bloggers.

Oh - and excuse the formatting - we are having issues today :)

(2CW) Hi Stealth - thanks so much for coming onto the blog. How did your blog get started and what was the motivation behind it?

My blog is brand new, there is not so much there yet, but I'm hoping it will build momentum as more people read it. As for how it got started: Well, I am a photojournalist in the Navy, so I write quite a bit and I've been told I have a talent for it. I thought it would be nice to share my experiences in the service with anyone whose interested. Maybe I can shatter some stereotypes, inspire someone, who knows. My life has been quite an adventure even out of the Navy, so hopefully this will spark an interest in someone to just go for whatever it is they might want to do.

(2CW) Many of our readers including myself would be interested to know what daily life in the service is like? Are you able to let us know what your actual job is in the Navy? Are you land based or ship based?

Daily life in the service is really like going to a regular job everyday, except I wear really sexy camouflage outfits with combat boots or sometimes my Dress Blues or Whites. Those are what people refer to as "your Sailor outfit". The actual job aspect of it is very professional and we have this thing in the military called chain of command which everything has to go through. You want to go on leave, you route paperwork to the person directly over you and he runs it up the latter. It's tedious at times, but I think it saves your ass in the long run.

What is different about my job from jobs in the civilian sector is I can be deployed. Since I am on shore duty right now, my deployments are usually land based. They are not supposed to be longer than 3 weeks, but I just got off of a four month deployment on a ship. I started in Cape Town and worked my way up the East Coast of Africa, through the Suez Canal and all the over to Morocco. We also had a stop in Greece, Malta, and Rome. On deployment, I do my same job, but it's more fun, because it's real Navy stuff. I will shoot stories of training, community relations projects, etc and write accompanying stories for them. My work is mostly circulated within the Navy, but there are civilian media outlets that have picked up my work

(2CW) Is your sexuality kept secret? Do any of those you serve with know? What is the attitude amongst the rank and file with regards to gay service members?

My sexuality is officially a secret. It is against the rules to be an openly gay person in the military. Big however, though. As butch as I like to think I am in my uniform, it is quite obvious who I am and what I like. I have to really gauge who I let into my life within the military. Everyone in my current command knows about me, and they are fine with it. I was even dating a Sicilian and brought him to a pot luck lunch we had. When I first arrived in Sicily, there was about five guys that worked in the hospital that were active duty and they were all gay, and pretty open about it too. There is a group of about 20 people that all hang out at the gay clubs here in Sicily, gay and straight. I have to really hand it to young people these days. They are really accepting.

There is a fundamental Christian element in the military. I don't need to say that I stay far away from them.

(2CW) How is life in Sicily?

Sicily is incredible. I'd been to Italy before I joined the military, but mostly to Milan. Sicily, however has it's own idiosyncrasies that set it apart from the rest of Italy. I started dating a local almost as soon as I arrive last August. That's ended, but it put me in touch with the locals here, and i spend most of my free time with my Sicilian friends. I am very happy to say that I am nearly fluent in Italian now. Keep reading my blog. I'll be writing a lot about the life here.

(2CW) Do the Sicilian public make the American service men feel welcome?

It's mixed, but mostly it's welcoming. The base is one of the largest employers on the Island, so they appreciate our presence. However, the stereotypical Ugly American is alive and well and has lots of friends here on the base. Many people on base have a real hard time with the cultural differences. I hate to say this, but Americans are indoctrinated to believe that our "culture" is superior. Clearly, anyone who has this attitude is going to cause some friction with their interactions. Bravo to all my American friends who see past it and get to know people

(2CW) How do you feel about Don't Ask Don't Tell?

I think any form of institutionalised discrimination and bigotry is deplorable. You will find that I generalize quite a bit, but I give everyone a fair chance to prove the stereotype wrong. I hear time and time again that the ban is in place because no one wants to have to shower and sleep in barracks with a gay person. You have all of these macho guys worried to death that someone is going to look at them in the showers, which by the way are PRIVATE. There are hardly any open showers anywhere these days. I really think the issue is much deeper. It's a reflection of America's puritanical mentality that has sex compartmentalized.

(2CW) Do you agree with the gay backlash against President Obama? Are we being too impatient?

It's far too soon to say. I'd like the ban lifted, but I always call the ban my wild card in case I want to get out.

(2CW) How is President Obama viewed by service members in general? Do they like him or not?

It really depends. There are a lot of people from Texas in the military, and certainly they are besides themselves. It's a mixed bag.

(2CW) Now everyone knows that I am still bitter, twenty years after being told I would not be able to serve in the Navy due to my asthma, and I am sorry if I drop into stereotype gay here, but do the guys play? Is there homosexual sub culture and if so how is it managed?

We have a saying in the Navy: It's not gay if your underway, it's only queer if your at the pier.

The ship I was just deployed to was all male. We were never out to see more than 6 days in a row. Like clock work once we were underway, the gay banter would start. The guys would get touchy feely with each other in a joking manner. There were a few guys that I know were straight, but it would seem like they would get crushes on each other. There were two guys on the ship that were inseparable. I think one of the guys really had a thing for the guy, but didn't perhaps understand what was going on. I am of the opinion that we are all deep down bisexual and can really love anyone. I really think that society pushes us one way or the other. That is another story.

My arrival to the ship midway into their six month deployment really threw them all a curve ball. When I first got there and everyone could see I was gay, the banter quieted down a bit. When they learned I had a sense of humor and was cool, it all started up again.

I fooled around with a guy on the ship, but he was gay.

(2CW) Do you have 'friends' in the service? Fuck buddies? How do you satisfy yourself sexually?

I have fuck buddies here on the base. They all identify themselves as gay, but like me they have to keep it hush. I also have my roster of Sicilians, and I do love a trip to the sauna.

(2CW) When you go out to a bar, what sort of social scene do you like to be in?

I basically grew up in the New York and Miami club scene of the late 80's early 90's. I love to dance. I still like to go to clubs now and then, but as I get older, I like restaurants, bars. I'm a bit of a lone wolf when I am not with my friends back home.

(2CW) When you are on leave or off duty, how do you like to spend your time?

I travel. I went to Tunisia over Christmas. I'm off to Paris, Barcelona, and Ibiza for my summer holiday. Sicily is great, but I like to get off the island whenever I can.

(2CW) Now, I lived in Orlando for two years from October 2002 - December 2004 - and I have to tell you, I loved it. I didn't find it a cultural desert at all. Have you been back lately? Or does the idea drive you into a cold sweat :)?

I go back once a year to see my mom. Even when I was in the States and not in the military, I stayed away from Orlando. When I am there, I feel like this brown cloud of ignorance is choking me. It has some nice things going for it, but to me it's smack in the middle of Florida's very own Bible Belt. I'll eventually make an entry in my blog about why it grates my nerves there.

(2CW) Favourite city of yours is New York. I sadly didnt get there when I lived in the states. What's it like?

New York is a city that has a pulse. That pulse pulls you along, challenges you, and nurtures you to strive to be the best. Living there in the time period that I did was like living in a cultural vortex where trends would be born. Paradigms happen in New York, and living there you get to be a part of it. On top of that, the people are surprisingly friendly. Sadly, the New York I remember doesn't really exist any more, although to me it is still the most fascinating place on the planet. There is a lot of love there.

(2CW) I love 'toons as well. What are some of your favourite cartoons?

Oh, I love Family Guy and South Park. I don't watch too much TV, though.

(2CW) Now as a Jew I am very curious and interested in other religions, mainstream or otherwise. May I ask - what is Santeria? And do you mind me asking about how you have a personal deity?

Santeria, or La Regla de Ocha is an Afro-Cuban religion that evolved from the Yoruba spiritual tradition when slaves from what is now Nigeria were brought to the New World. There is a nearly identical religion in Brazil called Candomble that evolved similarly, demonstrating the potency of the faith. We. for lack of a better word, worship a pantheon of deities that are archetypes of forces of nature: Sea, Fire, Wind, Mountain. Those natural forces also align with more abstract forces of nature like motherhood, masculinity, illness, abundance. For example, all life forms come from the Sea and the Sea also contains every mineral. This links the Sea with motherhood and all the riches of the world. Yemaya, the deity that I am initiated with is the patroness of the Sea, motherhood, and the riches of the world. Incidently, children of Yemaya tend to have ferocious appetites of sex. I asked why this was to a person who had been initiated for many years and he said "how do you think Yemaya became mother of all"

Santeria uses intricate forms of divination to find out what deity you will be consecrated with. It's a big deal, and there are many ceremonies to confirm it. It's really a beautiful religion that is about a relationship with nature and living your life according to a very personalised set of do's and don'ts

(2CW) Is there religious tolerance in the Navy?

On paper yes, but the people running the religious side of the Navy are mostly evangelical Christians. They aren't supposed to prosthetyse, but they try their damnedest to do so.

(2CW) BTW we are both pisces - I am March 15, 1972 :)

I'm an avid astrologer as well. It's an amazing thing

(2CW) How is your personal life at the moment?

It's pretty tranquil right now. I am a very seasonal person, and it being summer, I love being free. Fall comes around and I start to get the urge to nest. God help the guy that I latch onto during winter, LOL

(2CW) Is there anyone in your life right now? (Can I ask that ?:))

You can ask anything. I am single. I have a crush on someone, a really cute Sicilian guy. He's clearly a hearbreaker though.

(2CW) What's next for your blog?

I am trying to figure out how to post some YouTube links for some of my favorite songs from my club days in New York. I love music, and will probably share quite a bit.

I'll probably bitch a little about the sad state I find music in these days. I want to do it in a way that doesn't make me sound old though.

(2CW) Now for the 2 Cents Worth Quickies......

Favourite Drink...
Strawberry Vodka and Red Bull

Favourite Breakfast Dish...
Lox, Cream Chese, Poppy Bagel, Red Onions and Tomatoe. Maybe some Capers too. If not that..........BACON

Red or White Wine...

Mayo or Mustard...
French Mustard with the seeds. Mayo is an abomination.

Favourite Television Show...
Well, besides South Park and Family Guy..........I really don't know. I haven't watched one in awhile.

Classical or Modern and why...
Hmmmm. I'm pretty eclectic. Modern that does not have a healthy respect for the Classical does not interest me. You can't compose a song without knowing the notes and someone figured out where those notes are on a scale. Does that make sense.........if not, how about this: A river that forgets its source dries up.

Favourite Book...
The Immoralist, by Andre Gides. It's about a guy who got swept away in discovering himself. Incredible read.

Recent Film you enjoyed...
Four Christmases. A rare commercial indulgence.

Favourite Sunday activity....
Can I describe my ideal Sunday? Sleeping in, which means until 9 am. Breakfast, Beach, maybe a trip to the sauna. Some might scoff at the sauna, but other than the sex, I find it very social and relaxing.

In New York, there are often great places to go dancing on Sundays. In Paris, I love just running around. In Rome, I love having a great lunch in Trastevere and combing the shops.

If someone wants to impress you when you're out they should......

Know how to dance. That's rare these days. Other than that, unpretentious intelligence with a great sense of humor goes miles.

If someone wants to impress you in bed they should.........

Have no hang-ups and let the chemistry take us to the heights.

(2CW) It's been great having you on the blog mate. Would you be interested in a part 2?

Most Definitely and thank you. I've never been interviewed before.

Thanks again to Stealth Sailor for his time here - surf on over and check him out at his blog and dont forget to tell him that Damien sent you :)



Great find Damien. He lost me at mayo, but he made up for it with favorite breakfast. Who else do you have under your hat?

Damien said...

AB - watch this space :)

queer heaven said...

Thanks Damien, Good interview & his blog is going to be interesting to read. But my concern is that anyone that feels so strongly against mayo, must have something wrong with them somewhere.

Sue said...

Very interesting! I'll have to check out his blog!