Tuesday, 2 June 2009

....WTF......Can my American cousins please explain the eyebrows ?!? ..........

Oh - and Boys & Girls you simply MUST click on these to enjoy the bigness of these brows in ALL their glory!!!!!


The Mistress said...

I put it down to Divine inspiration.

Sue said...

I will not be held accountable for anything my crazy country men & women do any more.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen something so severe in person. I hope I never do. haha

joe*to*hell said...

its a very LA thing

Anonymous said...

lol they're fierce!

Michael said...

I can't stand plucked eye brows, and when they shave them off completely, then colour them back in again with a pencil it looks even worse.
It's the eyebrow equivelent of a man drawing a false moustache on himself with a black marker pen.
Silly, but sometimes funny as well

Wonder Man said...


The Pansy Bastard™ said...

I agree with Sue.

Nice to see StevieB said...

Keep the Sharpies away from Latino girls.

Freddyeyes said...

if I tried that they'd be SO uneven I'd look suprised and doubtful all in one! but in a different way each day. WOW!

Prince Todd said...

Sweetie, I don't know what to tell ya. I know girls who actually do that. They are mainly hispanic gang girls.
Don't tell them that you think their brows are jacked up...You might get CUT.