What the fuck happened to him?
He used to be uber hot.... ......
........like this..........
............ and now he looks like someone dealing smack in the back alleys ?!?!?!?!
Someone needs an intervention I think.
Sad, sad, sad.
PS Very sick - better blogging will resume upon my not dying *hack... cough.... splutter*
The last shot isn't that bad, but some of the others - oy. It's probably hiding in the closet that's causing his foray into substances. I remember during his run on ER that there was some pretty substantial talk about him being in a relationship with another hottie (can't remember who now).
Emeraldcity - tell me more - please....
Mutt - no no no - I like edgey as much as the next piece of trash - but he looks like a smack dealer - not hot.
Wow. These are surprising. He looks really rough. Maybe he just needs more sleep?!
Get some beauty sleep or this could be you!
MR - He would need to sleep for a LONG time to fix that LOL
MJ - Here Here Mistress!
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