2 Cents Worth Down Under. Explore everything from Ballet & Boyz, to People & Pop with me. With a healthy dose of gorgeous lads. Oh.. and some Wonder Woman!
Yeah, I was shocked when I heard this -- just said I remember him from the 80s movies. Tragic when stuff like this happens.
Just for looks alone (eg your pic of him) he had so much to be worth living for....
His life was so tragic following his 80's fame. he was such a part of the 80's and me growing up....his path seemed so destructive. RIP Corey!
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Yeah, I was shocked when I heard this -- just said I remember him from the 80s movies. Tragic when stuff like this happens.
Just for looks alone (eg your pic of him) he had so much to be worth living for....
His life was so tragic following his 80's fame. he was such a part of the 80's and me growing up....his path seemed so destructive. RIP Corey!
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