Saturday, 8 May 2010

.....Gay Stuff.......Hot Face / Bad Bod............................. Bad Face / Hot Bod.....??? ...........'s a thought for you all.

What is your preference when getting a quick hook up... for those who do......

Would you prefer a hot face on an average to bad body (overweight) - or a bad face (fugly) on a hot bod?

Me - I have always been about the face. It is the face that the personality shines through and *usually* gives you an idea of how they are?........ Usually................

Plus given that I am a visual oriented person - it is ALL about the eyes the smile the facial hair etc.

Now I have had some guys whose bodies were the one and only asset and I found them to be ...... well........ dull. And remember - I've only been a chubby for the last 5 years - previous to that I was one buff lad who could pull the hotties.

Needless to say............... I am VERY keen to hear what you all think and if you want it to be anonymous - email me.

Cheers all




SteveA said...

For me it's not the bod - I like a nice face and a great personality!

queer heaven said...

A beautiful face is great to look at. But for a quick hook-up give me a nice bod and a hot cut cock any day.

cb said...

Well, as a bottom, I must say that the guy can have a bad face AND a bad body, if he has 8 - 9 inches of cock.

As the cock size decreases, the cuteness better increase.

Stud 4 Rent said...

for a quick hook up, give me a hot body and big cock anyday.

however, a bad face and a bad body are both better than a bad attitude!

Wonder Man said...

I like a guy who's confident and very aware of himself, big or kinda small

Prince Todd said...

If it's just a hook up I'll take the bad face and hot bod.
But if I am in a relationship then I have to look at him all the time...the reverse would apply then.