Sunday, 13 June 2010

....2 Hot...........OK I Lied......... THIS Is My Fave Body Part.............

............and here are some for Lisa and the 2 str8 guys who routinely visit the blog :)...........

***all images drawn from the public domain***


laura linger said...

Oh, for HEAVEN'S sake. :)

Anonymous said...

What's with the female asses?!

Damien said...

Sean - be nice - I have some bisexual and heterosexual who visit my site - and if you READ the words mate you would have seen why :)

Come on now - we can be inclusive :)

And look how fantastic the men's asses are :)

Wonder Man said...

very nice and hot butts

Anonymous said...

Looks very good to me too!

SteveA said...

They're all good.No exceptions!

Stan said...

.....when it comes to the human gluteus maximus the male wins hands down! no offense ladies just sayin'..........

Unknown said...