Thursday, 14 October 2010

....2 Creepy .... A Heartfelt Message From Perez Hilton.....

.............Considering how much of a career-bully Perez Hilton has been I'm dubious....




Wonder Man said...

we will see

Bob said...

I can see him doing this for about a hot minute, but then as soon as the issue dies down, or the number of hits to his site drops, he'll be back to the same old low-life/

Damien said...

Bob - I am in total agreement with you on this. He's a mess that tries to ride every cause when it is hot - then drops it when it is not.

Anonymous said...

Agreed - he makes way too much money out of being a bitch.

Not clued up on american news or politics but the story about the Texan Councillor, Joel Burns, has been circulating on the same very important issue. It is much more heartfelt.

EMikeGarcia said...

I agree with Bob, but I disagree with his just "riding" this cause. I can totally picture him being bullied horribly when he was young, causing his behavior later in life. It was funny watching him squirm on The View when Whoopi pointed this out to him.

I think it's heartfelt (whatever heart he may have), but yeah, he'll try it, lose popularity, then go back to being a dick. Or disappear.