Sunday, 31 October 2010

...2 Spammy... Is Anyone Else Getting Spammed With Cialis / Cigarettes Ads??.....

...........I keep getting spam in comments from "Anonymous" for cheap cigarettes and cheap cialis / viagra ads...............

SOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying - I am getting like 40 of these a day.

Does anyone know how to report this when I don't have a profile or web page to report?

Thanks all




queer heaven said...

Not only do I get so many of the same ones, but the emails from someone in some far off country that has a couple of million dollars for me. What a fucking pain, does anyone really respond to this spam?

Damien said...

One should hope that there are human beings able to lift themselves above the obvious........... SHOULD......

NG said...

I use Disqus on my main blog. Isn't there an option in Blogger for you to flag a comment as spam?

I would also eliminate some comment options, like anonymous and name/url and just use Google account and Open ID.