Thursday, 31 March 2011

......2 Sad.......... Christchurch NZ - Then And Now.....


The Mistress said...

Very sad, indeed.

Let's hope that if Crocs decides to assist as they did in the case of Japan, that they send CASH instead of shoes.

Anonymous said...

Terrible that this happened...

Nick said...

the severe extremes in weather, the earthquakes, the tsunami’s, the unspeakable destruction. you cannot convince me this isn’t the wrath of God. He’s talking to us. and He’s angry. He wants us to love one another other, to feed one another, to value the precious and fleeting life He bestowed upon us and to value the lives of those around us.
He is angry and He is telling us we need to somehow get it right.

Damien said...

Mistress - can you BELIEVE that ?!? Like they couldn't send something the poor Japanese could use like - oh I dont know - FOOD ?!?!?

Ivan - it is indeed. Remember - New Zealand is a country with a population of only 4.5 million.

Nick - no argument here mate.

Jim said...

This is very sad to see. I spent almost a year in Christchurch. I can't believe the main cathedral in the downtown was damaged like this.

jason said...

I was just wondering about NZ today.

Anonymous said...

Horrible destruction! I do hope they have resources to rebuild. Some of these churches look like historical landmarks.

Corve said...

wow...not good

cb said...

That is really sad. And we've also all sorta forgotten about Christchurch in the wake of the Japan quake.

Wonder Man said...
