Wednesday, 4 July 2012

How Do You Help Someone.......

............who has given up.

Who views death as a real alternative.

Who is so sad that he can not bring himself to leave the house.

Who has suffered so much and yet life has been so cruel to reward him with so little.

I have a friend who feels like this.

I cannot help him.

I only know that if he did decide to leave life........... mine would end.


Anonymous said...


To many this is going to sound cold and cruel but the truth is, you cannot help someone unless he or she seeks help; wants help.

It is the same with someone who wants to leave life altogether. A person who wants to die, who chooses to die, will take his or her life and no life line or lifeline will enter into the equation.

Anonymous said...

I would contact the local suicide hotline and ask for help or have your friend do that...