Sunday, 1 July 2012

I Need A Social Life........

Somewhat like this..........

However I am concerned it would turn into something like this........

Where do adults go to reclaim a social life?

Do I.........
  • Join a gay social group?  
  • Take a class?
  • Just go hang out at the pub and hope for the best?
  • Stand on a corner with a sign........ Although that IS how I got that last Street Prostitution charge......
  • Blitz the gays online and hope a few match my needs/goals?  Wouldn't that make me a stalker again?
  • Blitz the Interweb with an ad ?
  • Help.......
Seriously - as adults where do we go to meet new people and how successful / realistic will it be for me?

It's an interesting question to be sure.......

Thoughts my 2 Centers??




Queer Heaven said...

All the things in your list can work.
When I first moved here I knew no one at all. I found the best way to meet some like minded is to volunteer for some group you believe in. I volunteered with our local Gay and Lesbian Chamber of commerce for some of their events. That led to helping out at the Gay hotline and through those things...I had developed a cool group of friends. Some of whom became real close... if you get what I mean.

James said...

Well what type of social life are you looking for? More booty? Looking to get involved politically? Want to meet people in a non bar situation?

Sir's Boy said...

Im in the same boat.........

Wonder Man said...

join a social group

Damien said...

QH - I am seriously considering the local positive living centre.

James - I am having trouble working out exactly what I am after.... friends first I guess... looking for adult interaction.

Boy - shame - you shouldnt be handsome.

WM - There is a gay 10pin bowling group that looks interesting (i love bowling)