Friday, 11 January 2013

My State Is On Fire....

Actually there are MANY bushfires currently burning in Australia.  Sadly, the conditions this year are such that this really only the beginning of a long Summer of flame and smoke.

My home city of Brisbane awoke to a shroud of smoke covering us from the fires on Bribie Island not far from us......


Butch 57 said...

it's very terrible that smoke and ash gets into very thing. in the US states of Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico we have had the last two summers bad with fires and the smoke. Hope the rain comes soon, for us this winter looks to be on the dry side again like the last two winters.

cb said...

Yeah, it sounds pretty bad. I heard that a new color had to be added to the weather map due to extreme temperatures.

Stan said...

Your going through what we went through this past summer in the US. Record high temps and drought.