Thursday, 7 February 2013

I Got Eyes !!!!!


satine said...

I especially dig the second pair.

Princess said...

All the better to see us with, Darling... They look great

G said...

Face furniture becomes you D, Dame Edna would be furious . I agree with Satine on the second pair. I recently purchased some eye improvement hardware also. If you're very unlucky and I entertain the idea of giving someone a case of nausea, I might send you a photo one day.

Anonymous said...

I like the first pair better. What strikes me most about these pics though is the amount of light - they see so much brighter than what you usually post.

Damien said...

Thank you satine.
Princess- awwwww
G - I do hope so.
Sean - just was a bright day :)

RAD said...

looking good!