You'll See.
2 Versions... Who do you think did it better?
Susan Boyle
I am VERY keen to hear your responses to this.
PS If you find any issue with the poll on the side, vote in the comments section. :)
OK, Madonna is the Queen, that's a fact. Anything she does is iconic. For that reason alone, her version is superior.
But if you strip it down to sheer vocals, Susan takes the song to another level. She transforms it into a power ballad. I could totally hear her rendition on the Broadway stage.
I repeat, I love Madonna... no hate mail please. ;-)
I hear what Mac is saying, but I'm in Madonna's camp. I will admit (full disclosure) I've never been a Boyle fan. There I've said it...
MAC - I think Madonna WAS the Queen - but I do think her time is past.
I loved her early to mid career stuff - but now..... sigh.
BG - Only because I am in love with you will I let that past (Stumbles off to the corner with a drink in each hand sobbing ala Sue-Ellen Ewing)
I like both artists. I think Madge did a better job on this song. Susan seemed to drag the lines down, like the musicians were pulling her through the song.
Just my opinion.
Interesting post though.
I gotta agree with Mac. Although I am not a big Boyle fan...she knocks this one out of the park.
Madge all the way!! Long live the Queen!!
oh dear...
the only issue i have with the "poll on the side" is that the results are clearly wrong.
did subo do a good job? yes, lovely...but this is M's win. she's the queen for all time. no one can take her crown.
Oh Kev - we all know how biased you are my good man ;-)
is it "bias" when it's the absoulte god's honest truth? i think not! ;)
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