Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Rosh Hashanah...Sweet Welcome to 5774....


 To all my Jewish brothers and sisters may I wish you all a blessed and sweet new year filled with health, happiness, hope and the joy of living!!!

 To the LGBT members of the Hebrew world - stand proud and stand strong knowing that HaShem loves you as the children of G-d too.  You are sacred, blessed, and cherished.

 My prayer for 5774 is that we strive for the gift of peaceful and harmonious coexistence with all G-ds children regardless of Faith, Sexuality or Nationality.  May HaShem bless us all as was promised.

 Shanah Tovah !!!

Blessings and love to you all every day of every year.

Your Jew Down Under ;-)



Stan said...

Mazel Tov! To you too!
A bi gezunt.

Damien said...

Shanah Tovah to you my friend :)

Have a sweet year.

Jim said...

Shanah Tovah to you Damien!

Damien said...

Thank you Jim!!

Queer Heaven said...

My you have a Sweet Year Damien!

Damien said...

And you QH - peace always