Sunday, 8 December 2013

My Thoughts On Gal Gadot Playing Wonder Woman.....

We all know how much of a WW fan I am.  And I have to say that the recent casting certainly took me by surprise.
So here's a quick run down on my 2 cents worth..

This is the original Wonder Woman - Ms Lynda Carter.......

This is the new one........ Ms Gal Gadot ...........

And yet - THIS woman would have been amazing in my opinion.  Ms Rileah Vanderbilt.... She was overlooked why? 

Whilst I think it's very nice of Ms Carter to endorse the new casting, I certainly hope that they feed Ms Gadot something more than a salad of spinach and spring water once a day - maybe a steroid infused protein shake.

Coz Wonder Woman has curves, muscles and a damn fine rack.

Disappointed - that is all I will say on this matter.....


1 comment:

Soul Yaoi said...

I agree, I would not want a anorexic wonder woman.