Monday, 30 December 2013

Who Did It Better?... Celine Dion v Bee Gee's ..

Well...... as much as I was biased, Elaine DID manage to stay ahead of Idina with a resounding 11 to 7 in favour of her version of "Nobody's Side"..

So now we have a new one....... and this is one that'll not be as easy as you think..

The song is "Immortality" ... written by the Bee Gees with Celine Dion in mind...

So we have it sung by BOTH of them...

Who did it better?

The Bee Gees....


Celine Dion..

I look forward to seeing who you think did it better.

Shalom all



Anonymous said...

Hi Damien,

What a great way to say good bye to 2013! This was really harder then I thought it would be. I luv the Bee Gees. I always thought that they could sign the phone book and it would be great.

I am also a BIG fan of Celine!!! I can see why that they wrote this with her in mind. It is her type of song.

So after much consideration, I have to go with Celine!!! It's her song and she did a wonderful job with it!!

All the best Damien to you and Bubb for a very Happy, Healthy, Safe, 2014!!! I hope at this same time next year, you will be able to look back and say to yourself, "WOW, I did all of that"!!!

In Texas

MAC said...

I have to go with Celine as well.

I adore the Bee Gees, but I think their legendary falsetto is better suited to disco than ballads.

Anonymous said...

I played both at the same time and paused one quickly if it went to fast. They sound good together. I love the BeeGees Version and Celine did an excellent cover. Not sure I could actually pick one over the other.. Even as a past DJ, I usually have my faves.. This one both :)

Cheers Tory

Anonymous said...

I luv celine