I read my friend Jasun Mark's comment on this article on Facebook, and then went and read the article "Dear White Gays : Stop Stealing Black Female Culture"..... then re-read the article .... then read it again .... and again today after seeing a Don Lemon interview about it posted on the intelligent and informed Viktor's blog .....
Now, as many of you know, I am of the "train smashing into a school bus full of differently abled terminally ill children" type of subtlety. I am blunt, but sometimes I am not entirely filtering my language/delivery at a level that helps - not hinders - my argument. I'm working on it. But I know my delivery can sometimes get in the way of the substance of my opinion / view.
Not this time - this woman did my job for me.
So .......................... after careful consideration I have the following to say....
Until we all want to stop playing "My Victimhood is more victimworthy than yours", we will never achieve equity as a society.
This woman - from an actively targeted minority - told another actively targeted minority, that they were not as worthy or as HURT as her and her own.
I need a shovel. The contempt this woman displayed is in danger of burying me.
As a human being - colour, sexuality and religion aside - I am offended on many levels.
And this woman is a Human Fail. Not a black or white or woman or man or gay or straight fail. A Human Fail.
Mr. Damien... I could not agree with you more!
I don't remember any of us complaining when straight men started taking care of their skin, dressing better, manscaping, etc. What ever happened to imitation being the sincerest form of flattery?
You can speak for me, anytime!
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