Monday, 21 December 2015

The (new) Men of Star Wars

Saw Star Wars last night and was very impressed.  Loved the appearances of the older stars - Carrie Fisher particularly held her own with a much larger screen presence than I expected.  The new stars seriously staked their claim with impressive performances all round..  It was a great ride from start to finish.

So....I give you the new men of Star Wars. 



Adam Driver - Kylo Ren, the delicious new villain and Number One Fan of the Dark Side.

John Boyega - Finn.  Brilliant role with awesome comedic timing from Boyega.

Oscar Isaac - Po Dameron.  Crackerjack X-wing pilot and my new fantasy fiction with Finn :)

Domnhall Gleeson - General Hux.  Leader of the First Order and all round bad guy.  But hot ginger.

 May the Force be with you all.



BosGuy said...

I'll probably check out the new Star Wars but I have to admit I find none of the leading men have any sex appeal. Of course, a 40-something gay man is not likely the object of their desire nor the movie's target audience so my opinions really are of no consequence in this area.

Damien said...

I hear you. As cute as a couple of them are, it's nothing that I think I would be happy with.

It was a good film tho BG.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam Driver since Girls

Office Movers Jacksonville said...

Good reading