Friday 19 February 2016

Brisbane - River City

My city is a river city and the Brisbane River really does define the city.

Enjoy these pics of my city.  Click to engorge and enjoy.

My city is not as cosmopolitan or cultured as some others, and yet, I love living here.

Shabbat Shalom


Anonymous said...

Looks pretty cosmopolitan to me. Brisbane is a looks like a great city with a beautiful waterfront. I think it would be cool to live there.

Damien said...

It certainly has a cosmopolitan level to it. Just not as sophisticated as say Melbourne.

I do love it. Great city.

Cy said...

Many years ago I went through Brisbane too fast to see anything but the skyline (which was impressive.) We were on our way to Cairns and the Reef, but time constraints prevented us from getting there. Now I wish we had stopped in Brisbane to see more of the city. I think we knew we would not have time to get to the Reef so we should have stopped there.

Fit Studs said...

So, soooo pretty! :)
Would love to be there.

Unknown said...

Have not been to Brisbane for some years now! Recent scenes along the river look really great!

Luke said...

Really enjoying the posts of Brisbane, Queensland, etc. Don't know if I will get the opportunity to visit your part of the world, but if I do you have certainly whet my appetite to explore it! Thanks!