Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Tunes Tuesday - Seth Somni

This young man is A-MAY-ZING!!!

Yes he sings in his normal male tone - but his falsetto is almost a true soprano - and he nails it in this song.

Enjoy Seth Somni



Cy said...

Hi Damien,
I have been going to the Met Opera in NYC for over 40 years, but I'm sorry I just cannot get into Male Sopranos. While their voices are beautiful, watching a male lover on stage with his girlfriend who sounds just like her is a turn off. I know you probably think I am a Philistine, and I can't help it.

Fit Studs said...

That was really nice! Ear candy.

Damien said...

Ciro - its a VERY particular sound and I find people either love it or not. I respect you saying so though. Thank you :)

Fit Studs - I am glad you liked.