Friday 17 July 2009

............Profile................OH LA LA !! .................... It's Steph & Alek !........................

Hi all - today on 2 Cents Worth, we have a genuine delight.

Steph and Alek from OhLaLa Mag - have graciously agreed to my request for a profile.

I love these insights to the bloggers behind the blogs. Altho I think it is safe to say that OhLaLa has moved FIRMLY beyond blog to net-zine.

Anyway - enough of my waffling................... please welcome Steph and Alex to 2 Cents Worth.

Oh - and just for the record - these two handsome lads are MUCH more than pretty faces. They are clearly very intelligent and very savvy businessmen & creative artists.

Tres Magnifique!!!

(2CW) Firstly - let me say what a pleasure it is to have you guys with me on 2 Cents Worth. OhLaLa is something that has formed part of my daily e-reading ritual for a long time.

Please do not make us blush immediately :-) THANK YOU for having us here.

(2CW) Now - just who is Steph and Alek?

That's an interesting question because we are both probably very different from the idea people have about us by reading our blog. In real life we are so boring, we like to stay home, cook for our friends, or go out with them for a dinner, nothing crazy! When it comes to work we always did what we love even if it is easy to be distracted by things that may bring you more money but less satisfaction at the end of the road.

(2CW) How did Steph and Alek meet? How long have you both been together?

We have been together for over 10 years now, married (well what France consider as marriage for gays) since 2000 and we have met in a club on the Champs Elysees in Paris. Isn't that romantic !? ;-)

2CW) How did OhLaLa come into being? What was the motivation behind the blog? Did you both decide to do a blog together or did one person start it first?

We have started OhLaLa together over 5 years ago, it was first called OhLaLa Paris then OhLaLa Blog then today OhLaLa Mag. I think the change may have been confusing for some readers but it totally discribes the evolution of our life. It started in Paris then became one of the most popular blogs and then turned into an online publication that counts several other sites today such as Outnext , ManChic and Bello mag.

The idea 5 years ago was to make our life easier. Instead of sending emails to all the people we know about models, pop culture and fun news, we though it would be easier to create a site to collect all those information, that was the time of blogging pioneers ;-)

(2CW) You lived in Paris...... A very close friend of mine has a STRONG - some would say pathological - desire to live there. What is Paris like?

We all experience same places in a different way, if your friend really wants to live in Paris then he should do it, I am sure he is going to love it. Just like any city in the world, life can be difficult but it is such a magic place that you can only fall in love with it. What I miss the most is taking photos on the streets of Paris and walking in the Tuileries garden and looking at the Eiffel Tower.
Of course on the other hand you have to be ready to pay the price which is living in a shoe box, unless you're a millionaire!

(2CW) You now live in LA... What was the motivation to initiate such a HUGE move from Paris to LA?

Just like your friend I (steph) had a pathological desire to live in Los Angeles. The first time I came to Los Angeles I was 18 and I felt I came back home. No idea if in a previous life I was an Hollywood movie star or a simple gardener in Beverly Hills, but I always knew that I would come to live in L.A. and it is a good thing Alek followed me :-) The other place where I had this feeling is Brazil and I am pretty sure that at some point we will be spending more time in this amazing country.

(2CW) How are you finding LA? I know a few people who lived in LA and hated it. What in your view are the good and bad things about LA?

We LOVE L.A. even if the star system is not our 'cup of tea' i have to admit that it is fun to have lunch next to an actor from your favorite tv show that you have been watching the night before but that's pretty much where the glitters stops for us. I also believe that if I was working in an office or had to commute everyday day, I would hate L.A. We work from home and we love that, we love the weather it is an eternal spring here ... the earthquakes and wildfires ... not so much!

The bad things about L.A. would be a certain category of people that you can meet here. They come here for all the wrong reasons and are like vampires to your soul. You just have to be careful and surround yourself with a couple of close friends. Just pretend that the rest of the people are just a part of the decor ... then it is fun!

(2CW) I love the photography on your blog. Have you both always been photographers?

I took Alek onboard my passion for photography as soon as we have met. I would have never imagined that today we would be shooting the hottest models in our home in Los Angeles. Today we work and photograph together but also shoot separately which I think is great to each develop our style, we have very different tastes and visions but at the same time are very complementary.

(2CW) Who are some of your favourite and inspirational photographers?

We love many photographers, I think every picture taken can be an inspiration. People are inspiring, models we photograph are always enjoying the photoshoot and the result so a good photographer is someone who is trying to be connected with the place and the model. Bruce Weber's photography energy is incredible, Tony Duran is more in a fantasy wolrd which we love too. We have learned a lot from our friend Fred Goudon who is an amazing person and a very talented photographer.

(2CW) You have worked with some amazing models. How do you find these people or do they find you?

It is a mix of everything, people we meet, people we select, people that contact us. Today we have the opportunity to contact any agency and photograph the model we like! That is pretty cool.

(2CW) I love the way you compose a shot - you have a beautiful synergy between environment, subject and light. When you are setting up a shot - what are the things you look for?

Before a photoshoot I (steph) am stressing big time, because I am afraid the result won't be good enough. We usually decide on the minute how we are going to do things. We pay attention to the model if he is comfortable. We most of the time use a subtile mix of natural and artificial light.

(2CW) We see a lot of REALLY thin - androgynous - young men in modelling. What are your thoughts on what the modelling and fashion industry choose to portray as "beautiful"?

If you are a fan of OhLaLa you must know that we are not big fans of androgynous skinny models. But I am not judging, I (steph) am skinny and people though I was a gril until I was 10 ... lol.

We believe that fashion is one of the biggest means of expression in our society, and just like in media when you repeat things people believe it! I cannot judge other people tastes but I am more interested in seeing masculine men, for us the best era was when Bruce Weber was shooting for Versace, those men were perfection. It will come back, we just have to wait. Our world is an eternal renewal, I just hope we may be able to help turn the wheel a little sooner ;-)

(2CW) What are your thoughts on the state of fashion right now? There seems to be an almost 80's vibe. As someone who lived through the 80's and cringe when I think of it - what are your impressions?

OMG 80's were bad for everything especially for fashion, but designers have softened it and apply it to modern taste. Fashion is an ever evolving art, and what is great about it is that there is soo much variety that you can always find something that you like :-)

(2CW) Who are some of your favourite designers?

Dolce and Gabbana, dSquared, Armani and some new talents like Yoko Devereaux.

(2CW) Do you guys get into Project Runway?

Not really, but only because we have just recently moved here and in Europe they do not air it... We will see how this new seasons comes around after all the challenges to make it happen...

(2CW) How does America differ to France? What has been some of the cultural obstacles you have been challenged by?

Believe it or not the biggest cultural shock is called 'Speedo' in France and many other places around the world men, straight and gay, do wear speedo. in the US (except for South Beach) I feel like wearing a speedo is like walking around butt naked waving pink feathers. I don't get why speedo is such a big deal in the US. Even David Beckham who was a BIG speedo lover back in Europe has opted for the long A&F shorts here of course not everyone I wanna see wearing a speedo

(2CW) What can we look forward to seeing on OhLaLa Mag?

More exclusive content by Alek & Steph for sure and always more new artists and photographers, and beautiful guys, and girls :-)

(2CW) Finally - there is a serious culture of change in the USA at the moment - especially in the area of gay marriage. What do you think of President Obama? - and - What are your thoughts on gay marriage?

Well we are all for equal rights. We have been lucky to be able to sign a domestic partnership in france that has all the benefits of the marriage but the name. We believe that we live in times where the change is happening so fast and we are looking forward to soon being able to get married here in United States. Obama has made many promises and seem to be inspiring the change, lets be patient and see how that translate on paper...

(2CW) One VERY last question - Can I humbly invite you both back for a Part 2 some time?

Anytime you want :-) :-)

(2CW) Thanks so much guys. I am a very happy blogger today :)

Now - enjoy some more of the amazing photography by these two very talented and amazing gentlemen.

And do NOT forget to visit their site (although I am certain you already do)

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