Sunday, 19 July 2009

.......RIP ..................... My Nan Loved Cats............

..............she was laid to rest on Friday.

My mum has inherited her cat - a gorgeous little thing that adores my mother.

So for Nan - here are some gorgeous examples of kitty-kuteness :)

Shalom Nan


And my personal favourite.......



Wonder Man said...

sorry to hear the news

Damien said...

Thanks WM - she isnt in pain anymore which is the best we can hope for.

LẌ said...


What is the Hebrew caption on the second pix?

joe*to*hell said...

awh i am so sad to hear. boo. (dont tell anyone i have emotions) hope you are well

Stan said...

so nice of your Mom to do that.

Sue said...

RIP Nana.