Sunday, 6 February 2011

...2 Harmonic..... I'm In A Streisand Mood.........


Prince Todd said...

I love this!

queer heaven said...

Excellent post! As far as my thinking, there is NO finer female singer than Barbra. I own everything she has recorded. I've seen her life twice. Not to mention her political work & her new project to combat women's heart disease.

Damien said...

Glad you both like - these are my personal favourite songs.

Aside from the entire Yentl score of course.

The Mistress said...

I’m in a Streisand mood

Are you ever!

Damien said...


Stan said...

"Is a nose with deviation such a crime against the nation!
Should I throw her into jail or drown the cat?"

If a Girl isn't of my faves! as is the whole friggin' album! Babs is my BUBBALA!