Saturday, 23 April 2011

.......2 Hot....... Happy Birthday Eric Balfour.......


queer heaven said...

One of the sexiest actors around! I wonder why he is not a major star????

Damien said...

QH - According to LA sources he is completely disparaging of the Hollywood establishment.

He detests most of the leading actors and venerates Old Hollywood.

Apparently he is hot AND has scruples - how knew ??

Anonymous said...

I could never really understand the attraction to him.

Not sexy in the least to me.

Jason Shaw said...

Amazingly sexy man - happy birthday indeed.

Wonder Man said...

he is sexy, just one night

The Mistress said...

I think you should ALL be allowed a night with him.

Slutty Iaotis said...

dude i've had such a man crush on this kid for years.