.........Now - in no way did I insult Christianity. If one subjectively reads what I wrote - prefaced by the Mel Gibson correlation - it was a musing of religious self-importance that results in an ego that makes ridiculously surreal comments like the one Mr Wahlberg made. Much has been made of his apology - but he was and is an idiot for making it the first place. An action hero on FILM does not a real life action hero make......
....I will speak out on ALL forms of religious extremism... Christian, Muslim, Jew et al.... Point of fact, it wasn't that long ago that I blogged about the Ultra-Orthodoxy's war on women in Israel.....
.....As for Mr Brave up above attempting to give me some sort of smack-down - all it did was highlight his own religious separatism....
.......Yes you moronic declarer of the obvious, of course there are Jewish bigots - bigots exist in all areas of society.....
...... However I must say I did get the giggle out of the fact that whilst proudly American Christian and Gay! - he hides behind Anonymous........ AND the fact that he has clearly visited the blog often enough to ready about my depression - an actual mental illness as opposed to the self-nurtured intentionally maintained stupidity he has.......
.......Mr Proud American Christian & Gay! ( let's not forget the exclamation mark ) if you are so proud of your beliefs you wouldn't hide behind a moniker of the spineless - so you tell me where your blog is and I'll challenge you in a way that will make you look like the hypocritical piece of self-hatred that you are.....
.....Don't come to my blog and attempt to bitch-smack me from a position of clear and present duplicity..... it makes you look like an idiot....
Guess it's okay to be a bigot these days, long as you're a jew, huh?
Your mental illness is showing.
American, Christian and Gay!