I just re-read the post I did.
Why am I letting this worry me so much?
My partner will still be at home - He will still love me - Less of a waistline won't stop my Nan from dying and it won't cure my depression!
What the fuck just happened???????
I can't believe I had such a shallow moment right then.
Sure we joke about things like this and there WAS a joke in there - but it actually provoked a reaction of anxiety.
Jesus H - this is not good.
Why are we all so obsessed about this shit? Even those who take the high ground are worried about it - they are just too insecure to show the worry.
Now - partly for me it is a health issue. My father has had multiple heart attacks and strokes but he was a chain smoker and I am not. But I am a chronic asthmatic and excess weight can interfere with the ability of the lungs and diaphragm from working as well as they should.
Is it truly my vanity? My friends don't care - my Mum doesn't and neither does my partner - they just want me to be happy however I am.
But does that mean my happiness is directly linked to my weight?
Oooooooooooooooooooooookay - Baby has some thinking to do now.
Oy vey............. why isn't my Rabbi on speed dial.
You ask some interesting questions and I can tell you that for me...
YES, my happiness is directly linked to my weight. Regardless of the blessings i have in life (and there are many) I am not truly happy unless I am happy with the way I look.
Unfortunately, I have never been happy with the way I look, even when I should have.
It's silly though isn't?
Intelligent people worrying so much about this?
All the crap in my life at the moment and I yet there is energy in me to get anxious about this.
Not good.
Perhaps it's easier to become anxious about your weight, rather than everything else going on? Perhaps your anxiety about other things is coming out in this way? Food for thought.
Oh and don't be so hard on yourself! It's ok to want to meet a goal that you've set for yourself. It doesn't make you vain or shallow!
jlydia - though you know how much i love you - you also know how much i hate it when youre right :)
and yes - it is good to have a goal.
My partner has battled his weight his entire life. He has gone to drastic measures - lap banding with limited success. It is the thing that constantly occupies his thoughts.
I don't notice him as "fat", but it doesn't seem to matter. HE wants to be slim, but it is very, VERY hard.
Don't worry so much. It really isn't as important as you think.
Anon - I know it isnt - I think part of it is that I was never big before.
Then i went to the USA - got hooked on american food and blew up like a balloon.
Its my own fault - and Im paying the price now.
Plus - i think the anxiety is misplaced from other things in life right now.
I appreciate your comment and wish your partner nothing but the best.
I can't believe I had such a shallow moment right then.
I suspect even the Dalai Lama has shallow moments.
you are not shallow. I do not leave my bedroom if the scales are unkind to me. My happiness is inextricably linked to my waist!!!
Off-topic but you're leading the polls for Mr. Nude Infomaniac by one vote!
There are still a few hours to go.
Yeah, I occasionally get in that mode. Then I see somebody on TV that's battling cancer or only has 2 months to live and it shakes me back to reality.
it happens, just stay strong
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