I told myself I would not do this. But given that I am part American, I think I can.
I think the American Gay Establishment needs to back the fark off President Obama.
Yes I know he is the best bet we have EVER had in the white house but I really do think that we need to realise that the economic climate takes precedence over everything else - even us.
Yes - it's a shitty concept to think that dollars will always be more important than duty, but this is hardly a new concept.
Dollars are the things that drive politics. President Obama (and please..... be respectful....) did not invent this, but it's the rules that he and his administration have to play by.
Can you imagine what the American public would have done if he had gone into the white house press room and said "Yeah, I know we have this global recession thing happening, and that there are 10,00 Americans losing their job a week in this country, but just let me work on this DOMA and DADT thing and then I'll get to it."?
I mean - come on - the conservatives are already pulling stuff out of their arse to hang this guy and we queens want to GIVE them ammunition on a silver platter???
Coz that is what it comes down to - do you want President Obama around for 4 years - or 8?
Nothing is going to be fixed quickly - nothing.
Civil rights took - what - 20? 30 years in America?
As a community we expect our shit to be dealt with in 5 months? Are you kidding me?
It is time to grow up people - unfortunately, there is NO climate in America right now that will give us the equal rights that we deserve.
THIS is why I am living with my American partner in New Zealand.
I was even refused an application for immigration in spite of the grandfather rule.
My grandfather was a GI that fought in the second world war (may he rest in peace) and I am still unable to come and live in the US.
And yes - even now - it would mean I would be a second class citizen but I would still live in the US . I have always wanted to live there. And I would live there as a second class citizen.
Maybe this is my fever talking but guys it is time to grow up and realise that we will never be top of the list in America.
It's sad.
It gets me angry.
But that is the reality.
Now deal with that in whatever way you can....
Get angry - write to your Congressman - attend the rallies - but don't put this on the shoulders of one man.
It takes more than one man to change a society.
It takes every man - and, sadly, we do not have every man on our side.
We have very few.
Amen, Amen, and AMEN!
I love this post. Co-signing on the dotted line!
A very nice editorial angle here, and you're very right too.... Obama will wear out his welcome if things don't change in America overnight (which they obviously won't).... and he will be unfairly blamed for it..... CUE HILLARY! She is GAGGING in the wings for him to fail!
I get the feeling Obama will be used as a scape-goat for a lot of things that people don't like. It is unfair to heap it all onto one man, but I agree with you. Right now there are more pressing issues at hand and things do not change overnight. Personally I'd be happy to see Obama stay on for an additional term - but at the same time I'm not naive enough to think he'll deliver on everything he promised. That just isn't possible.
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