.............. no, not the "let's go crazy drunk and pull boys pants down" kinda holiday tho that could be fun............... i need a sabbatical.
Some place quiet. Some place I can think. Some time away from my life. Drink some wine. Sit on a verandah. Look at the scenery.
Everyone needs one now and then.
But I can't.
I need to get a job. Continue to help my mum. Be a responsible adult.
Responsibility sux sometimes.
PS Thank you to my readers who visit every day. You are a ray of sunshine in a somewhat grey world.
Shalom and blessings
I feel the same way sometimes too... But there are too many mouths to feed in my family and too many backs to clothe. Anyhoo, I find solace in the things I do everyday... Finding stupid shit to post on the blog, watching documentaries, reading books, cooking. You can find peace in your life, it doesn't have to be apart from it.
Thanks guys. Hugs are very welcome Toddy and your advice is sound and positive Mikey.... gonna do my best.
In case I havent said it before, depression sux.
I hate being a responsible adult - often.
But be good to yourself and know that eventually you WILL be on that veranda sipping wine some day.
DuPree you brought tears to my eyes.
Thanks mate.
I hope things get better. You deserve a good time
WM - it will get better - :) - i have faith.
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